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Friday, January 30, 2015

How To Survive Valentine's Day During Deployment

Valentine's Day is approaching. Many of us love to celebrate it, while many loath the holiday. For those who have a husband deployed, you may choose to ignore it this year or even get very sad not being able to spend the day together. How is a girl supposed to deal with such a thing? Well, I've got a few ideas that may help you.

Make it a girl's night out (or in).

If you want to go out, rather than stay in by yourself, have a girl's night. You don't have to go to restaurants where there will be lovey dovey couples. You can go to low key places or even go bowling or play laser tag. It's better than sitting by yourself missing your husband.

Stay home and pretend the holiday doesn't exist. 

Some of us deal with being apart from our spouse by just staying home, and avoiding Valentine's Day all together. If this is you, I completely understand. Try watching a funny movie, or a TV series. Order take-out or cook dinner. When you wake up the next day, Valentine's Day will be over!

Have a Skype Date! 

If you're able to Skype with your husband on Valentine's Day, great! Try not to focus on the fact that you're apart. You could buy lingerie that you plan to wear when he's home and tell him about it or show him. Just be careful showing him, you don't want someone else to see.

Have a get together at your house.

Invite over people who are in the same situation as you. Have an Anti-Valentine's Day party. Just have fun. It will keep you from dwelling on the fact your husband is gone, and you won't spend the day alone.

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