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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Advantages Of Shopping At The Commissary

Many of you  know the advantages of shopping at the commissary, but many of you may not, especially if you live off post. So I thought I'd compile a list of the advantages of shopping at your local military commissary!

1.) Cheaper Prices 

I'm sure most of you know that the commissary offers cheaper prices than most local grocery stores.

2.) A Wide Variety Of Products. 

The commissary sells many international foods and other products. There are shampoos, drinks and soaps from all over the world such as Germany, Korea and Japan. This offers a great opportunity to try new foods (especially if you'll be moving to one of those countries) or have food from a place that you once lived.

3.) Coupons!! 

I'm an avid couponer so this is great for me! Not only do you get  low prices, but you also have military only coupons that can only be uses at the PX and Commissary. The Commissary also has a rewards card. This allows you to save coupons right to the card for check out. The card will be scanned and the coupons will automatically be taken off.

4.) Priority Check Out Lines

These lines give uniformed personnel priority during lunch time. This gives them plenty of time  to return to work from their lunch break.

I hope these have given you some reason to give the commissary a try!

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