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Friday, March 6, 2015

The Truth About Military Relationships

I get asked almost daily what it's like to be married to a man in the military and why on earth I would do it, since we're apart so much. I always give a generic answer like "It's hard at times but I love him." Well here's my real explanation.

Being married to someone in the military has been very difficult at times. This lifestyle has brought with it many ups and downs. We've spent more time apart than we have together. I've cried so many tears and fallen asleep countless nights with only the tears on my pillow to accompany me. I've had scary Skype encounters while my husband was deployed and I've had to move and unpack and entire house by myself.

It hasn't all been bad. The military has offered me the opportunity  to make some great friends, travel and learn new things. It's also taught me that I'm so much stronger than I ever knew I was.

Although it may seem as though the bads outweigh the good, I would never trade this life for anything. You know why? The time we've spent apart is never permanent. Our love is so much stronger than it has ever been. I realize how lucky I am to have such a brave man in my life. And I also know that even though deployments seem to last forever, it's worth it in the end. I get to have my first kiss all over again. And it's the most amazing, magical feeling in the world to be able to walk hand in hand with my husband again after 9 (or more) months apart. To know that I will be waking up next to him every single day.

Military relationships are not for the faint at heart. There will be lonely nights, Skype dates, and goodbyes. But they are also full of love, passion, support, promise, faith and amazing homecomings. If you allow them to, they will teach you so much.

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