This morning I was sitting at home after my husband left for pt. I always hate when he has to leave, even if it's just for the duty day. I got to thinking about the different aspects of the military lifestyle. We all have reason why we may not like our spouse being in the military, but no one can argue that there are definitely some great things that come from it.
- The Benefits: Who can really complain about free healthcare? And of course, the housing allowance helps to keep a roof over your head, despite the not-so-good pay.
- Free Gym "Membership": People are always paying tons of money to get a gym membership. But as a military spouse, you get to go to the gym on post for free!
- The Commissary: It's great. Do I really need to explain this one?
- Military Balls: I don't know about you, but I love the excuse to be able to dress up nice and go dancing with my husband.
- The PX: You can get name brand items such as Bath and Body Works, Marc Jacobs, Coach, and Michael Kors all in one place for pretty reasonable prices.
- Military Discounts: Can you really argue with this one?
- You get to have friends all over the world
- Travel: This is probably my favorite aspect of the military lifestyle. You get the opportunity to live in places you normally wouldn't. You get to experience so many new places.
- You learn to be very independent: When your spouse is gone for extended periods of time, what other choice do you have?
- You get the opportunity to be super creative: You have all those care packages to decorate and letters to write.
- Road Trips! Every few years you get the opportunity to take a long road trip that you don't have to pay for! Cheers for PCS season.
- That uniform! I love to see my husband in his uniform. I think he looks so sexy!
- The Pride: I feel so proud when I get to see my husband in his uniform. It's one of the best feelings in the world, knowing that he is willing to make sacrifices to keep our country safe.
- You learn to be Flexible thanks to the military's last minute planning and constant changes.
- Tuition Assistance: This is definitely an awesome benefit of being a military spouse. Not only for me, but also my husband.
What are your favorite things about being a military spouse?